On thursday, I have received a very cool gift package from Jim Casale because of my Wikimania participation...

Image:A new wiki article in response to the gift I received...

Unfortunately, the IBM mug wasn't lucky enough for this long travel but other gifts are cool! Especially I am very glad about my hard copy of "Mastering XPages" book. This will be the first book on my shelf in the new office :)

I thought about it and I decided that returning a simple "Thank you" will not be enough!

Therefore, I created a new wiki article named "Do's and Do Not's for XPages Scoped Variables" in return of this gift. It is based on my recent blog about XPages and serialization issue.

I am hoping to extend this article in the future with your valuable comments. I would like to have more details about performance issues especially.

Thank you Jim for the Wikimania contest, David and Tim for their contributions into the article.

Now I'm thinking what I may do after receiving my IBM Champions package :)
Serdar Basegmez   |   September 11 2011 06:15:27 AM   |    Blog  Community  XPages    |  
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Comments (2)

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Serdar Basegmez    http://www.developi.com    09/11/2011 7:39:30 AM

I have seen this but forgot to include. I added the link now.

Thanks for your comment...

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Leif Lagebrand       09/11/2011 7:29:18 AM

Have you seen this comment from Tim? { Link }

Maybe some of it could fit in the wiki.