Back from Engage!

Again, it was an incredible user group conference! Thanks to Theo, Hilde and all others helping to the team, we had fantastic time with so many friends for a couple of days. There has been so much things to be said, but I'll use the advantage of late blogging: Many friends blogged/tweeted/posted a lot of stuff on every moment of the conference :)

This year, I spoke for an Admin session for the first time (at least for such conferences). Many friends would know me about my humble work on XPages stuff, but I am an half-blood Domino admin in my real life, of course with eyeglasses and a hat! :)

Still, I had the developer role in the session but it has been a different session in a way that we had no code on any slides! That has not been the case ever for me :)

Me and my co-speaker, a great admin and the master of Linux, Bill Malchisky presented a real life story...

"Back From the Dead: How Bad Code Kills a Good Server"

It's Friday and a new customer calls. Their mission critical app is taking :05 to open documents and the users are quite concerned. Where do you start when handed a 20 year old application you have never seen, on a server you barely know? Join two IBM Champions as they dissect a complex Domino performance problem from both the administration and development side to provide a complete customer solution. The session includes best practices around problem solving techniques and a checklist you can use internally to solve quickly problems you encounter

Serdar Basegmez   |   March 30 2016 01:12:52 PM   |    Activity  Community  Development  Lotus Domino  Performance  Problems  System Administration    |  
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