I really don't know what to do about it. I asked some IBMers and did not get any answer. So if you know something, please alert me and end my pain :)

The problem may be genetic (similar for my brother). I am a magnetic user and attracting all kinds of bugs. I buy a Nokia phone, I find 5-6 bugs in my first week. Using a universal remote, 5 bugs there. Even my LCD TV is buggy! It does not have picture if there is a working device on the HDMI port at startup.

I am cursed!!!

It is the same for Lotus products...

There is no any PMR that has been resolved yet. Every PMR calls end with a version bug! When I first download Lotus Notes 8.5.1, I found my first bug at the installation (Failure for Turkish OS settings)... I have 10-12 bugs specific to Turkish language in my pocket, many are not resolved yet...

Let me clarify how dramatic the issue is: Last week, I did spend only 2-3 days on software development or admin issues. How many bugs did I find? SIX! It's real!

Open your Lotus Notes, after it is loaded, open an existing Symphony Spreadsheet file and as soon as you see the cells, just double click to one to edit. It crashes if you are using Symphony add-on.

A specific URL crashes Lotus Quickr on SUSE Linux.

In R7/R8, a specific sequence of accented characters fail in comparison with Formula Language.

Get Lotus traveler! The least problematic product IBM developed. There is no any customer complaint in last 6-7 months about any failure, bug or crash, except me! It crashed three times, gave battery leak twice, cut my call once last month...

It goes on...

The question is: What am I going to do about it? I cannot correct my unluck, but I can set this 'super power' useful for IBM.

If I find a bug while dealing with a customer issue, I can escalate this on behalf of them. But for others?

I don't have a value package (I don't need it. SAO is enough, normally). So I cannot open PMR's myself. There should be a way to submit my bugs to the lab. Believe me, I am a good bug-reporter. 80% of my bugs are repeatable...

Not just bugs. There are bunch of translation mistakes in Lotus Notes, Domino and Quickr. A couple of examples:

In Domino Web Access, New action button has been translated as "Yeni Klasör" which means "New Folder". I am correcting this everytime and every upgrade takes it back.

I just found a funny one. In QuickrD, at view pagers, First and Last has been translated as 'Ad' and 'Soyad' meaning 'Firstname' and 'LastName'...

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Serdar Basegmez   |   February 27 2011 10:12:38 AM   |    Community  Problems  Tips    |  
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