Finally, I have finished my second article "Custom Controls, Part 2 - Deep Dive into Parameterization" and it has been published on The View magazine.

This is the second part of the article "Custom Controls — Basic Concepts and Techniques for Getting Started" published before.

Learn how to customize parameterization using property types and editors to provide a better development experience and increased readability for XPage developers. Find out how multi-value properties and grouping can handle some specific needs (e.g., list of values or logical groups) for parameterization. Also, get best practices on the programmatic use of custom property values.

As a procrastinator, I'd like to thank my editor Julia Wiseman... I would have fired myself if I was an editor :)
Serdar Basegmez   |   November 29 2012 02:23:10 PM   |    Articles  Development  XPages    |  
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