17 Ağustos'ta, IBM İstanbul inovasyon merkezinde cloud computing üzerinde uygulama geliştirme konusunu ele alan teknik bir toplantı organize ediliyor.

Toplantıda Rational yazılımı üzerinde değişik uygulama dağıtım servisleri (Software Delivery Services) kullanarak geliştirme ve test sürelerini nasıl hızlandırabileceğimizi göreceğiz. Duyuru ve kayıt link'i aşağıda:

IBM Cloud Computing for development and test
17 August 2010
İstanbul IBM Innovation Center

The IBM Smart Business Development and Test on the IBM Cloud is a dynamically provisioned and scaled runtime environment that provides everything needed to develop and test application code. It includes tools to configure and manage the dynamic execution environment, an IDE that facilitates the direct use of the execution environment, and build and test tools that can exploit the execution environment. Other areas might include SaaS solutions for collaboration and governance infrastructure and resource repositories for source and reusable assets. All of this is supported by an internet-based user experience that enables collaboration and reuse.

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We hope to see you at the Istanbul IBM Innovation Center!
Serdar Basegmez   |   Ağustos 1 2010 07:50:14 AM   |    IBM  Uygulama Geliştirme  Aktivite    |  
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