Is this LUG working?
Beginning this year, thanks to our sponsors, we launched a powerful server with Quickr 8.5.1 for our web site. And this is the screen shot from the 'Forum' part of Turkish Lotus User Group...
The last message has been received in June. There are only three members participating discussion out of the executive team.
There are times people get exhausted, out of ideas and motivation. This is the time...
Discussion for this entry is now closed.
Comments (6)
Congratulations mate on making another great contribution to your community, no wonder you are a Champion!
Best - Mat.
Even English speaking persons asks native language communication to express themselves better. So Christian, I dont agree you ;-)
My central point was not the forum itself. It's about participation. As Giuseppe suggested, we are ready to babysit our forum but there is not even questions coming to answer.
Serdar, I appreciate your commitment for the Turkish community, it's a great job.
For the native-speaking forums, sorry, I believe that they can be useful for people not fluent in English, al least in written English.
I could write my blog posts in Italian, but I decided to be part of a greater Notes community, made of people from people different countries speaking the same "standard" English language.
There are already many international forums, different point of view from different countries on the same subjects...
Sorry, I don't bet on local Notes forum...
our own Italian user group forum is working but we "babysitted" it for many years. It's now mostly self-sustained (users answering users) but for a lot of time we had to provide answers (we are team of three, 1 admin 2 devs). I think that there is space for native language forums (if your language is different from English) but bootstrapping it needs a lot of time, work and dedication.
My experience with english speaking LUGs is that the physical events are what work really well. Where forums have been started they seemed overlap too much with the global forums that are available to people.
I am not sure how much this might affect non english speaking groups.
As one of the few contributors to this forum...(sorry for me for not writing nor contributing) it's a sad fact in Turkey:
I profess that Lotus Users & Devs are fed up with company work so they have no spare time to contribute nor ask questions to their corporate solution's user forum.
But at the same time, all these hard working 'Notes Users' and 'Notes Devs' have tons of spare time to tweet around, foursquare'ing around and facebooking for nonsense stuff...
There are only a very few people here in Turkey (you may call them ignorant zealots :) which don't think this way...
After 2 years of careful observation of the Lotus community here in Turkey, this is the fact - sadly...
In short, the Turkish industry deserves C#, Asp.Net and the whole rest of the abundant M$ - clutter. They get also the complete 'software for free' - legally or illegally. So this is taught in the Turkish Universities absolute mainly...
There are some intelligent projects in deed, but genereally speaking: IBM - this is M$-Land, dude.
So 'Big Blue' still has no serious intents here for SMB the "real" way.
It still lives very well with the 'Affordable only for Enterprise & government' - touch in Turkey.
The HW branch (in experience) - no change in here, too: "only affordable for Enterprise" (even if we proove it's not!)...
Regards, Serdar and keep up your excellent work.