IBM announced that Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.2 FP2 packages are ready to be downloaded. The fix pack contains several critical fixes and is recommended for all 8.5.2 users.

Preliminary fix list contained by FP2 can be seen on:

There are a couple of improvements in this release, such as syntax validation in recent contacts, managed replicas, 'Save as EML' feature, etc.

To download FP2, you can use Fix Central. I have generated a list of all available fixes for Notes and Domino... Parts are not yet available on Passport Advantage as I posted this entry.
Serdar Basegmez   |   March 25 2011 04:30:00 PM   |    Fixpack  Lotus Domino  Lotus Notes  R8.5.2    |  
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Comments (2)

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Serdar Basegmez    03/29/2011 4:04:27 AM

I didn't try silent installation. Do you have a specific error message? Did you search on forums?

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gheorg       03/28/2011 7:18:04 AM


we need to install FP2 togheter with notes852-install

could someone to help us, please.

I try to install in silent mode but don't work:

lotus_notes852FP2_basic_win\setup.exe /S /v /qn

some ideas?
