As Domino v10 launch time approaching, great ideas are being accumulated in product ideas forum. If you have not contributed in yet, it's not too late. Vote some ideas and even better, add yours and advertise them to get more vote.

I have been monitoring the forum for a while and I must say that, community has created great ideas so far. Most of the time, I went to the forum to create a new idea and saw that exact the same one has been created by someone else. Of course, that's no surprize that Notes/Domino people have the same pain points for years. Also, this is not the first experiment for idea collection for us. We had a long history with ideajam, a great application developed by Elguji (#ThanksBruce)

Anyway, I have listed a bunch of ideas that I voted and want to emphasize. I also added a couple of my ideas but I won't disclose them here to make all ideas looks equal here. I will tweet my ideas separately.

App-Dev Ideas

Admin Ideas

Thank you for all contributors so far. I'll update this post from time to time. Feel free to add yours below...
Serdar Basegmez   |   September 8 2018 10:08:26 AM   |    New Products  v10 domino2025    |  
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