March 19 2011 Saturday

Afterthoughts about LUGTR 2011...

After a long journey, we finally passed the conference... We recorded everything but I didn't have any chance to view videos yet. I will put them online if they are good enough...

At the beginning, our keynote speakers Ed and Uffe had excellent presentations. Ed mentioned about the future of Notes/Domino software, LotusLive and XPages... The most important point is the commitment of IBM in application development.

Uffe evaluated the role of Lotus software in the social business transformation. He specifically explained the phase out of E-mail from our scope and the importance of activity streams in the new schema of information systems...

Ozgur Uckan and Denis Sener presented "Business, Socially!" session. They emphasized very important points. I liked the anology of "waved sea" and "waved ocean" about MIS and technology components. According to Ozgur and Denis, the problem is that IT has not been able to solve its basic problems like using spreadsheets and e-mail for MIS. Now, the market puts a much more complicated mechanism on top of this problematic structure: Socialization of everything.

We passed afternoon sessions without any crisis, except a couple of timing problems. I would speak later about those sessions after I read evaluation forms...

Image:Afterthoughts about LUGTR 2011...

In the closing sessions, we had our little mini-quiz show. We made some participants very happy :) The best surprize was that our netbooks have been transformed to notebooks which I learnt after the organization. It probably became a good surprize for winners...

So far, I got excellent feedbacks from chats, blogs and messages.

I would like to express my best feelings for everyone supported and participated...

Esra, Özcan, Gulizar, Pınar, Mine, Jale, Server and other IBMers from the local team did great job for this event as well as Manfred, Maciej, Delia, Wojciech and others from CEE IBM team. I think I forgot to mention about our executive team in my opening speech. Sorry about that!

However, it was not perfect! Here are some frustrations about the organization:
  • Everybody satisfied, but I did not! Participation was not enough: 120 attendant out of 190 registrations! We had 350 members in our user group and I expected at least 200 members there. People also left the event very early. At the closing session, there were only half of the participants.
  • Of course, academic corner let me down. There was at least 10 academicians and 3-4 student clubs confirmed. No one (yes zero!) attended to the academia corner meeting and we canceled it, unfortunately.
  • I was not satisfied with the coverage of technical sessions. I liked each sessions in their context but a user group event has to cover more subjects. One XPages session and single administration topic would not be enough.

At the bottom line, we had some great winnings. A number of Lotus professionals, partners and IBMers activated their twitter accounts, for instance. The number of followers for @LUGTR account have been tripled during last month. Members of LUGTR are now aware user group's capability. As I spoke to our sponsors, they are also very happy with the organization. Great momentum achieved on thursday, motivated people to participate in the user group and leverage the value of Turkish Lotus community...

Maybe it was the most important that first time in my life I have heard almost nothing negative about Lotus Software in such event!

One last thing I can say is about Ed Brill and Uffe Sorensen... I had the chance to have a wonderful dinner with them. They are just great! It is not only their deep knowledge and broad sight about their job, but also that Ed and Uffe have a modest, polite and egoless approach to everyone.

The event has ended, indeed but we are not done. Next week LUGTR executive team will have a meeting to decide what is next...

* Thanks to Julian for the photo...
Serdar Basegmez   |   March 19 2011 12:00:00 PM   |    Activity  Community  LUGTR    |  
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Comments (4)

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Serdar Basegmez    03/20/2011 12:59:16 PM

Thanks for your great comments...

This year, we were a bit late for many things, some because of Lotusphere... Plus, it was a short event. So we prioritized local participation...

Next years, hope to have many international visitors. Istanbul is a great city to host lotus people from all over the world...

BTW, you won't believe me but this was my first LUG event as well :)

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Steve McDonagh    03/20/2011 6:09:06 AM

Very well done Serdar! :-)

You are off to a great start and once the word gets out that there is a LUG in Turkey you will find that the people will come!

I am a relative new commer to LUG organisation (UKLUG09 / ILUG10 / UKLUG11) and I have to say that it is great fun but somethimes rather frustrating when things don't quite go as you expected.

As Ulrich said drop me a email or a tweet and I will certainly blog, tweet and facebook all your future events.

So well done again and a big LUG welcome to LUGTR to the world of Lotus Conferences and I look forward to attending and perhaps even speaking at a future one :-)

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Ulrich Krause    03/20/2011 2:11:57 AM

A agree with Henning.

I have not heard about user group activities in Turkey before. The call for abstracts came out, it was already a it late for me to change my plans for conferences in the first half of 2011. There are simply too much of them ( in terms of density ) and my employer would not let me go for another one. (BLUG, UKLUG, LCTY, EntwicklerCamp)

I can understand your frustration, but I think that you'll have to learn to live with that.

You will never ever have a situation where all registered and confirmed people will show up.

I already have LUGTR on my list for the next year.

Perhaps you should be more active in promoting the event next time. Ask bloggers to put a link on the blog. Twitter and Facebook are an option, too.

I'm sure you can double the number of attendees. And, hey, Istanbul is a great place for a conference and one can easiely combine it with holidays :)

I wish you all the best for the next conference and looking forward to meeting you in Istanbul next year.

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Henning Heinz       03/19/2011 2:55:45 PM

It looks like it was a great event and I would not worry too much about the academic corner. I have never heard of IBM Lotus activities in Turkey before you started blogging. Now this has changed and it seems you are really doing a great job.