Dojo vs. jQuery: Can you compare?
I just saw this. I didn't use jQuery, but such difference in stats was a great surprize for me:
This is the usage of jQuery:
And this is the usage of Dojo Toolkit:
I know those are apples and oranges but wow!
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Comments (7)
Henning, I used "apples and oranges" regarding the comparison in Wikipedia :)
{ Link }
There seems to be important differences in functionality. But I agree, XPages would support jQuery also if we want it to be used for simpler web applications in the future. I think extension api could be used to do this?
Maybe you're right about Microsoft (and Google) support may (un)impress me :)))
Eric, thanks for the detailed explanation. I roughly looked at the jQuery and I could not see extensibility but it really seems easier to use.
A final note, first time I saw these js frameworks, they all were costly for simple web apps. But compression and selective imports makes them very usable right now. Dojo takes about 60K for whole library I think. It's very OK for intranet apps.
Thanks to all for your comments.
I agree with Eric, for applications Dojo is the way to go and really, as Dojo has matured it is getting all of the fancy UI stuff over time - they seem to play catchup in this space. But for complex widgets, build, and speed, Dojo is in my opinion progressing faster.
You mean simple sites like Amazon, Twitter, Dell, Best Buy, NBC, EA, ESPN or CBS News?
AOL, who is mentioned as a sponsor for DoJo is using jQuery on their "simple" homepage (although who cares about AOL anymore).
And if you use jQuery UI (which you would need if you want a more broader scope like Dojo) there are custom builds available. I have heard that Dojo got much better recently but in the past you often only used Dojo when speed and bandwidth did not matter. Unoptimized Dojo code was one of the reason why early XPages loaded so slow. It got better over time.
Iit is a pity that IBM does not support jQuery for building "simple" sites with Domino. But in all fairness it seems you can tame Dojo to behave much better. I chose jQuery a few years ago because it was the lowest in file size and got stuck with it.
I would say Dojo has an advantage when building rich client applications for the browser. Still I consider it a disadvantage that XPages only support Dojo. jQuery is much too popular to be ignored.
As someone who has looked *extensively* at both toolkits there are pros and cons to both.
JQuery is far more popular. It had more "quick, get-it-done!" functionality than Dojo for a long time, and much better documentation until recently. Now Dojo's documentation is fairly decent, but it still lacks a bit compared with JQuery.
Generally for "simple" sites, JQuery is the way to go. It's easy to get going and has no custom builds required for decent performance. That's a big selling point vs. Dojo.
If, however, you're building complicated web *applications* with long expected lifecycles, Dojo is absolutely the way to go. Forward compatibility is completely spelled out and a formal design goal, as is i18n, localization, and accessibility. The general architecture is better thought-out, more easily extended, and is much more formal to real OOP paradigms.
There's actually a number of sites that run *both*. JQuery for simple static pages where some fancy effects are desired, and Dojo for complicated widgets that constantly get upgraded with new features.
i have had the opportunity to actually use both frameworks,i started with jQuery,at first,it was nice,quick but at the end of the day it was Dojo i finally settled for,Dojo has a superb interface for creating Widget,Classes.The Modular structure of module is what really amazes me,you can have your builds,there only stripping out what you i think jquery is good its absolutely awesome,but in terms of Larger applications i'd stick to Dojo.