I'm flying to London and will be attending a great user group conference. As a first-time speaker, I'll have two sessions this year.

Image:ICON UK: Speaking for Fun, Speaking for XPages...

"Occupy Gezi Movement: An Apolitical Generation Rising with Art, Humor and Twitter"

May, 2013: Nobody expected such a mess after the police intervention on a small group of protesters in Istanbul. Almost 4.5 million people participated in protests during the first month of Occupy Gezi movement and changed everything in Turkey. Meanwhile, old-school activists and politicians were surprised by the fact that the Y-generation were using some very dangerous weapons: Art, Humor and Twitter. In this apolitical review, you'll see great examples of creativity such as grafittis, songs and jokes. You'll also learn how and why social media became the mainstream news channel during Turkish Summer.

On sunday evening, I will talk about a unique historical event from Turkey. As many Turkish people all over the world, I have been sleeping, working, eating, laughing and crying with this. I wanted to share interesting sides of the #OccupyGezi story with my friends. I hope you'll like it.

"Background Tasks: An XPager's Guide to Process Server-Side Jobs on Domino"

Java and in particular OSGi are now very important parts of the Notes/Domino app dev model. In this session, you will learn what techniques can be utilized to process background jobs for XPages applications. Whether you want to replace your existing agents with Domino OSGi Tasklet Services (DOTS) or use Eclipse Jobs to run time-consuming routines without interrupting the use of your application - we will show you real life examples of why and how.  You should also consider attending this session to hear about some suprises you don't want to miss...

On Monday, Frank van der Linden and I will talk about some geeky stuff. In IBM Connect 2013, I had a session with Bruce Elgort about DOTS (Domino OSGi Tasklet Services).

This time, Frank and I have extended this content a little bit and added asynchronous processing and threading. In our  session, we are going to discuss some DOTS, non-blocking Java coding, threads and jobs, multi-threading, etc. We are looking forward to see you there.

Unfortunately, this year would be the last ICON UK / UKLUG. So it will be special for everyone...

Warren and his friends deserve a very big applause for this fantastic community event. If you will attend, buy a beer to the first person you see from the organizing team :)
Serdar Basegmez   |   August 30 2013 03:22:57 AM   |    Activity  Community  Fun  XPages    |  
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