Two weeks ago, at a round table meeting with Kevin Cavanaugh, I saw Traveler working on his iPad... Few days later Ed Brill blogged about it. IBMers are 'officially' using Lotus Notes Traveler on iPad...

Ed also has good news about more. Starting with 8.5.2, some new features will be included to the codestream regarding iPad usability.
Serdar Basegmez   |   June 13 2010 09:49:45 AM   |    Mobile  Apple  Lotus Traveler    |  
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Comments (2)

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Serdar Basegmez    06/14/2010 5:21:15 AM


I think the official announcement is on the way and Ed Brill's blog seems valuable about this support.

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Carlos       06/14/2010 5:10:13 AM

Why such a big fuss over the fact that Traveler works on iPad ? I agree it works and is great to use but what did IBM do to warrant the official announcement that Traveler is supported on iPad ? Did they do a major re-write of the product or release a new version ?