XPages problems after 8.5.2 upgrade!
Now there are two serious problems with XPages applications that were designed for 8.5.1...
The first problem is my newsletter subscription application. I have designed this application a couple of months ago but didn't move it to production. This morning, I decided to launch it but it didn't work with an error: "HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception"
After some digging, I have found another designer error "ClassCastException" when opening Xpage designs. The problem was with SimpleActions classes and I tried to convert simple actions in my code to javascript. That prevented the designer error.
But I were still getting the page error. I removed some parts one by one to find the exact source of the error. Eventually, I found the problem at the language custom control.
If I remove reloadPage() part, the page will be working. Google found nothing...
The second error is bigger and more interesting. There is an XPages application working on R8.5.1. Now it's not working on 8.5.2.
Interesting point is that if we save and build an XPage on server, it does not work. When we build it on local and copy into the server replica, it works again! I am now trying to trap the exact error. But it seems there is an issue with compile and build processes. We tried everything (clean, build, build all, different clients, differen servers, etc.)
Again, Google found nothing about it...
I'll keep this post updated about the situation.
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Comments (6)
About the second problem; we removed 'Design Lock' feature as a workaround and the issue has been resolved.
Don't know why, but not investigated in detail...
Hope it helps...
I also found an classcastexception when I tried to run an xPage application build on 8.5.1 on a 8.5.2. machine.
After some research I found the following. In the original design I used a treemap to populate a combobox control ( because treemaps are sorted ). In 8.5.1. this worked but in 8.5.2. I had to use an arraylist with "|" separated values to get it working again.
And another warning. Since 8.5.2. uses a different dojo version (1.4.3 if i'm not mistaken) be aware of some client side errors.
You are right, the code caused an infinite loop. I corrected and it's working right now.
Thanks for your comment...
With regards to the second point. The compile will sometimes switch itself off if it finds inconsistencies in the XML source.
For example if you have a datasource mentioned in an element which does not exist in the page. To the UI side everything looks fine, but the compile will fail.
So I would start by halfing the contents of the XPage until the issue goes away and then narrow it down to the related code sections.
When is your reloadPage() getting triggered? Prior to 8.5.2, if you caused an infinite loop of page reloads, XPages handle your mistake. In 8.5.2, it falls over. It sounds like that may be what's happening. I had the same problem with my personal website. I just had to ensure it only reloaded the page once.
I have built an application on 8.5.2, but when I am trying to run application on Local machine it always throws an error "Error 500: HTTP Web Server: Command Not Handled Exception" on Internet Explorer.
The same application when I am runing on Notes Client it will execute it properly.
Can you please suggest what could be the reason for this...Thanks in Advance !!!