May 22 2019 Wednesday

After Engage 2019

Theo Heselmans did it again: A very well-organized conference with a fantastic venue and a great lineup of speakers covering various topics...

Engage was quite unexpected for me this year.

First of all, there has been a great energy in the community. After so many years, people seemed to be more hopeful about the future of the Domino product. Of course, it is understandable, especially just a couple of weeks away from the total handover and while the "scapegoat" is going away and good guys are coming for the rescue... :)

Joking aside, it was quite obvious that HCL handle the product management in a much different way compared to the IBM. They have a clear and honest attitude towards mistakes made and also provide great detail in their future directions. There are very difficult challenges ahead of the HCL team and I am sure they are aware of it. I wouldn't like to be in their shoes these days.

Another surprize for me that both my sessions had packed room.

Paul Withers and I were hosts of the roundtable on behalf of OpenNTF this year. As Paul blogged, it was a great discussion with developers with different perspectives. Although it slightly went to a direction I didn't anticipate, my take on the roundtable was mostly about the difference between what is on my head and what developers suffer. It reminded me a very old blog post on the distance between customer mind and us :)

I was also speaking with Tom Van Aken from Groupwave on RESTful services. This was particularly important to me. I spent a lot of time on designing REST integrations for my customers and this is the third time I share my experiences on this topic after ICON UK 2016 and IBM Connect 2017. I wasn't expecting a full room this time but I guess RESTful becomes more important with the introduction of Domino Appdev Pack and the new direction of HCL. I am pretty sure I will participate in more projects in this area in the future.

Thanks to Graham Acres for his valuable suggestions on this session. The slidedeck is below.

Serdar Basegmez   |   May 22 2019 03:30:00 AM   |    Activity  Community  Development  XPages  v10    |  
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